Seasonal Rentals

The City of Fernie welcomes User Groups to apply for seasonal rental of Municipal Facilities.  Seasonal renters are groups that use a municipal facility on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for 3 or more consecutive months. 

Apply for a Seasonal Rental

To apply for a seasonal rental of a Municipal Facility, the applicant must submit a Facility Booking Request form and Rental Agreement by the following dates:

Fernie Memorial Arena
Pre-Season Ice - no later than February 15 of each year
Regular Season Ice - no later than April 1 of each year 
Post-Season Ice - No later than November 30 of each year

Indoor Seasonal Use Requests (September to April) for the Community Centre, Max Turyk Gym, SD5 Facilities and the Aquatic Centre:  no later than May 31st of each year. 

Outdoor Seasonal Use Requests (May to September) for Fields and Courts: no later than February 28th of each year.

Priority will be given to those who submit their application prior to the deadline. Applications sent in after the deadline will be considered, pending facility availability.  

Special Events at Municipal Facilities:

Annual Community Special Events can be booked anytime throughout the year.  To request a Facility for your special event, please visit the Special Events page.