Curbside Recycling Collection Service Expansion
April 4, 2023
The Fernie curbside recycling collection service is expanding this summer, and will come in line with many other BC communities that are embracing reducing the amount of garbage sent to landfill, in partnership with RecycleBC. The first collection dates for the expanded program will be July 6 for Area 1 residents and July 13 for Area 2 residents.
With all the opportunities to recycle at the curbside, there shouldn’t be much to throw into the garbage! As of the end of June (June 23rd for area 1 and June 30 for area 2), you can start putting the additional items in your blue carts. You will now be able to put gable top containers for items like milk or molasses, frozen dessert boxes, paper cups for hot or cold beverages, and their lids, tin foil and tetra packs for soups or broths in your cart.
It’s important for residents to note that grocery bags will no longer be accepted in your cart after the transition. They can still be recycled at the Fernie Transfer Station.
Your recycling will still be collected every other week, just like before. Your service area has remained the same as well.
You can find more information about the overall transition including a thorough “What Goes Where” guide for recycling curbside here.