2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey - Deadline Extended!
December 7, 2023
If you haven't completed your 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey, we still want to hear from you!
For those households that didn't receive an invitation with a unique pin code, we've put additional letters in the mail this week inviting you to complete a short online survey.
To make sure that you have your chance to share your thoughts on how we're doing and what your priorities are for our City, we've extended the survey deadline to December 17, 2023.
If you still don't have a letter with a pin code and want to take part, or have a letter, but need an additional code for another member of your household, please email: fernieCitSat2023@leger360.com and they'll send you a code so you can participate.
Once you have your pin code, click here to complete the survey online. *Please note: the PIN code is case-sensitive, so please enter it exactly as shown on your letter.
If you or someone you know requires assistance completing the online survey, the Fernie Heritage Library will be available during their regular hours to help with computer and internet access.Your input is very important! As a thank you for taking part in the survey, you'll have a chance of winning one of three $100 gift cards for a local business of your choice!