City Celebrates Earth Day

 Happy Earth Day! We are so lucky to call the beautiful Elk Valley home, and we are committed to doing our part to ensure the longtime health and sustainability of our community and our planet. In their Strategic Plan, Council has identified a Climate Goal of integrating a climate lens in the planning, design, and delivery of programs, services, and assets. 

Here are just a few of the ways that we are making our facilities and services greener and doing our part in making the Earth a healthier place: 

 - Expanding our curbside recycling program and rolling out an organics collection program (coming soon!)
- Switching to LED streetlights and upgrading to energy efficient lighting and heating at City facilities
-Prioritizing water conservation efforts at our facilities, and focusing on ways to ensure the longterm sustainability of our drinking water sources.
-Adding new active transportation routes and enhancing existing ones to allow you to easily get around on foot, or bike!
-Transitioning our City vehicles to electric vehicles (and adding EV chargers for public use)  and initiating the move away from high emission fleets
-Digitizing more of our processes to cut down on the amount of paper we are using
-Incorporating climate focused landscaping practices into new projects – like the xeriscaping at the new Skate Park.