Notice of Proposed Property Disposition

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council for the City of Fernie intends to dispose of an interest in land being the grant of a statutory right of way to BC Hydro and Power Authority for underground distribution utilities and above ground or underground transformers for transmitting and distributing  electricity and telecommunications to be located on Parcel 60 (See DD 4782) District Lot 4589, Kootenay District except (1) Part included in RW Plan 1340 and (2) Parts included in Plans 6724, 7024, 12587, 15270, NEP21051, EPP47008 and Plan EPP47007 (north of the substation).

The consideration to be received by the City of Fernie in exchange for the grant of the statutory rights of way to BC Hydro is the sum of $10,800.00.