Youth Councillor

The City of Fernie Council is committed to providing meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in the governance of their community. Council wants to learn about the issues affecting youth in Fernie and hear a youth perspective on issues impacting the community.  

Each fall, Council appoints a local student to the role of Youth Councillor for a one-year term. This unique volunteer opportunity is open to all Greater Fernie area Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. 

Position Responsibilities:  

  • Bring a youth perspective to Council matters and discussions
  • Engage with local youth to learn about important issues for this demographic and raise awareness of city operations and activities among their peers
  • Complete a minimum of 30 participation hours in their term (Attending Council meetings, city events, student council meetings). 
  • Sign the Council Code of Conduct as a participating member in Council meetings and city events
  • Encouraged to attend the BC Youth Parliament Conference. If attended, provide a short report, oral or written, to Council on their experience.

Program Benefits: 

  • $1,000 Scholarship for post-secondary education

  • Travel to Victoria, BC to attend the BC Youth Parliament (travel costs covered by the City of Fernie)


Youth Councillor Program Policy